Child-Friendly Floors

A home is best decorated according the needs of the people who live in it. A young couple without any kids would make different decorating choices than say, a couple with a few of their own. Also, the age of the homeowners says a lot about what decorating paths and themes they favor. Young people have a different idea about the proper way of decorating than elderly folks. Everybody has different tastes as well as different uses for things such as furniture, appliances, and room decorations.

For example, a family with children has to make considerations as to how appliances and furniture get prematurely worn just because they are used roughly. Everything gets old real quick when children are around; it’s just the way things are. The odd spills and diaper disaster that happen on a somewhat regular basis will test not only your nerves, but the quality of your possessions as well. You need to clean and tidy up on a constant basis so you have to choose a flooring material that can allow you to do so without hindering your ability to perform household chores. Also, the frequent washing and vacuuming of things contribute to their faster wear as well. For those planning to buy a certain breakable and valuable piece of home décor, having curious little hands around certainly alters their decision patterns.

The floor is perhaps as important as the appliances and furniture in any home. When you have little ones, hard wooden or stone floors are infinitely more unforgiving than carpets or area rugs. However, synthetic or cheap wool rugs are going to be the order of the day because if you go with a natural flokati rug too early, you risk having your pride and joy soaking up spills and being written on. Children cannot be asked to not have fun and having fun almost always involves getting dirty. Aside from the fast accumulation of dirt, shaggy rugs can hide small plastic toys, pins, or pieces of broken glass or metal. As children prefer walking barefoot on carpet, this can quickly turn into a recipe for disaster. Fibers that are too long can also trip people as they walk by.

In planning for a nursery or a playroom, it pays to keep a few important things in mind:

-          A carpet made out of synthetic materials can shrug off rough use and a few spills. As they are made from sturdy fibers, you can scrub them to your heart’s content. Also, as they are synthetic and resemble plastics more than anything else, they won’t soak up moisture and spills that easily.

-          Rugs to be used for nurseries or children’s bedroom can be made more fun by intentionally buying rugs specifically made for children. They come in whimsical designs and are made to be soft and safe.

-          Tile flooring or wood flooring is both practical and beautiful. In areas such as the kitchen, they may prove to be more suitable than carpets or rigs that can’t be used where there is too many chances for spills.